Myths and Legends
"Asger paused for a moment, with the skill of a practised storyteller. He let the tension build, then he began again, holding out his hands to them. “Remember, children, Huginn and Muninn are still with us. They still fly around the world each day to gather news for Odin. What will they hear when they fly over us? Let us not give them fear and anger to stir Odin to war. Let us give them love and peace so they will whisper in his ear that all is well in Orkney, all is well in Stenwick, all is well in the house of Asger.”
He sat up and smiled at them and they knew the story was over. They leapt up and hugged him, some sitting on his knee, some standing at his shoulder like the ravens in the story. In the corner of the room, Eden smiled, rocking her little son as he slept.
Caris was entranced. The next day the images poured from her brushes: dark, abstract wings soaring through shafts of light and shadow onto the canvas. She called it Thought and Memory."
The Gods of Thought and Memory
He sat up and smiled at them and they knew the story was over. They leapt up and hugged him, some sitting on his knee, some standing at his shoulder like the ravens in the story. In the corner of the room, Eden smiled, rocking her little son as he slept.
Caris was entranced. The next day the images poured from her brushes: dark, abstract wings soaring through shafts of light and shadow onto the canvas. She called it Thought and Memory."
The Gods of Thought and Memory
To come:
Huginn and Muninn
Pacific Northwest Raven Stories
Huginn and Muninn
Pacific Northwest Raven Stories